
We have selected a variety of old international cook books from as early as 1775 to as recent as 1936.  Most are in English but some are in the native language, but not to worry a link to the Google translator has been included.


1775 La cuisiniere bourgeoise, suivie de l’Office, a l’usage de tous ceux qui se mêlent de la dÃpense des maisons. Contenant la maniere de dissÃquer, connoÃtre & servir toutes sortes de viandes.  Or (per Google translate) – Bourgeois stove followed by the Office, the use of all those who meddle in the spending of houses. Containing the way to dissect, knowing & serving all kinds of meat. New. ed., inc. several stews newest & different recipes for liqueurs.

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1814 L’art du cuisinier The art of cooking by A. Beauvilliers former officer Sir, Count of Provence, extaordinaires attached to the royal houses, and now restauranteur

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1817 Apicius redivivus : or, The cook’s oracle: wherein especially the art of composing soups, sauces, and flavouring essences is made so clear and easy … being six hundred receipts, the result of actual experiments instituted in the kitchen of a physician, for the purpose of composing a culinary code for the rational epicure ..

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1825 Manuel de gastronomie : contenant particulieÌ€rement la manieÌ€re de dresser et de servir une table, et d’observer la symétrie des mets : la nomenclature alphabétique de 54 potages, 27 relevés de potage, 40 hors-d’oeuvres, 600 plats d’entrée, 100 plats de roÌ‚t, 350 plats d’entremets, et 100 articles de dessert, avec la manieÌ€re de les préparer et de les servir : ouvrage mis aÌ€ la portée de toutes les classes de la société, indispensable aux ménageÌ€res, et surtout aux personnes qui habitent la campagne, etc., etc

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1836 Domestic French cookery

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1843 Neuestes süddeutsches Kochbuch für alle Stände : Eine Sammlung von mehr als achthundert in vierzigjähriger Erfahrung erprobter Recepte der feinen und bürgerlichen Kochkunft or (per Google translate) – Latest southern German cookbook for all stands A collection of more than eight hundred and forty years of proven experience in prescriptions of fine cooking and civil confinement.

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1849 Die Haus-Köchin, oder eine leichtfassliche und bewährte Anweisung auf die vortheilhafteste … Art die Fleisch- und Fastenspeisen zu Kochen, zu Backen und Einzumachen … verfasst von Magdalena Dob. Rettig or (per Google translate) -The home-cook, or a leichtfassliche and proven instruction on the most profitable .Type the meat and fast food to cooking to baking and canning … written by Magdalena Dob. Rettig.

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1852 The illustrated London cookery book, containing upwards of fifteen hundred first-rate receipts selected with great care, and a proper attention to economy; and embodying all the latest improvements in the culinary art; accompanied by important remarks and counsel on the arrangement and well-ordering of the kitchen, combined with useful hints on domestic economy. The whole based on many years’ constant practice and experience; and addressed to private families as well as the highest circles

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1861 The Canadian housewife’s manual of cookery [microform] : carefully complied from the best English, French & American works, especially adapted to this country

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1862 Liber cure cocorum A curious poem on cookery “now first printed from a transcript of the Sloane ms. 1986, where it occurs as an appendix to the ‘Boke of curtasye’. It is written in a northern dialect of the xvth century

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1863 Cookery for the lancashire operatives

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1866 Neues praktisches badisches Kochbuch … Nebst einem Speisezettel für’s ganze Jahr or (per Google translate) – New practical badisches cookbook  In addition to a bill of fare for the whole year. 9 presumably edition, with an appendix of useful Home & Wirth shaft means.

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1867 The edible mollusks of Great Britain and Ireland, with recipes for cooking them

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1884 Skandinavisk-amerikansk kogebog Scandinavian-American kogebog

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1889 Praktisk, illustrerad kok-bok fÃr Svenskarne i Amerika Practical, illustrated cooking book for Swedish Arne in America.

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1894 How we cook in Los Angeles. A practical cook-book containing six hundred or more recipes … including a French, German and Spanish department with menus, suggestions for artistic table decorations, and souvenirs

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1894 El practicón : tratado completo de cocina or (per Google translate) – The Practicón kitchen complete treatise 3rd ed. With an appendix, “Two words” Doctor Thebussem

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1896 Nová domácí kucharka pro cesko-americké hospodyne, cili praktický a spolehlivý návod k nejsnadnejsímu pripravování tech nejoblíbenejsích, jednoduchých i slozitých, ceských, amerických a francouzských masitých i postních pokrmu vseho druhu or (per Google translate) – New Home Guide for Czech-American housekeeper or in practice a reliable guide to upcoming nejsnadnejsímu the most popular, simple and complex, Czech, American and French meat and Lenten food of all kinds. Published in 1896

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1896 Novísimo manual del cocinero práctico chileno : colección escojida de guisos y postres de las cocinas francesa, española, alemana, italiana y chilena : arreglada especialmente para el uso de las dueñas de casa chilenas or (per Google translate) – Newest practical manual Chilean chef escojida collection of casseroles and desserts from the kitchens French, Spanish, German, Italian and Chilean: arranged especially for the use of Chilean housewives

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1900 Italian cooking

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1900 Leabhar cócaireachta : na rudhartha, modhanna fulachta, curtha le chéile do chailínibh scoile, an obair do’n chéad bhliadhain

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1904 Národní Domácí kucharka cesko-americká. Vyzkousené a praktické návody ku príprave pokrmu spusobem ceským i americkým or (per Google translate) – NDP cookbook Czech-American. Try a practical guide to preparing dishes spůsobem Czech and American. 2 expanded edition. For Czech-American housekeeper partly wrote and partly picked, because according to other reliable sources, and their experience adjusted Marie Rosický.

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1905 Fifty choice recipes for Spanish and Mexican dishes

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1912 Simple Italian cookery

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1914 California Mexican-Spanish cook book; selected Mexican and Spanish recipes

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1916 Allied cookery, British, French, Italian, Belgian, Russian

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1917 Grzyby–ryby; zbiór najlepszych przepisów przyrzadznaia, marynowania, konserwowania oraz suszenia grzybów i ryb or (per Google translate) – Mushrooms – fish, collection of the best rules przyrzadznaia, pickling, canning and drying mushrooms and fish.

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1921 Frøken Jensens kogebog

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1936 The European cookbook for American homes (from Italy, Spain, Portugal and France)

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1829 The French cook

1900 Austrian cooking

1900 Italian cooking

1908 French household cooking : with a number of recipes from the best Paris chefs

1913 Bread and pastry recipes of the world famous chefs, United States, Canada, Europe

1914 Soups and consommes of the world famous chefs, United States, Canada, Europe

1922 The art of German cooking and baking

1904 German national cookery for American kitchens : a practical book of the art