
Oxtail Soup (1950s)

My Mom (Betty Lou) used to make ox tail soup that tasted delicious in cold weather. (Kathy T.)

“With one  spoonful of her ox-tail soup Tita instantly recalls the best time of her life, her youth in the  kitchen with Nacha, where she enjoyed many foods and Nacha’s love. Crying with  Chencha, Tita remembers and recounts the recipe for the soup–the first recipe  she has been able to remember since her breakdown.”  Like Water for Chocolate.

Buy two pounds of oxtail, that has been cut into about 2 inch pieces.

Brown the ox tail pieces in a skillet with several tablespoons of oil, until brown.

Put browned ox tail pieces in a soup pot, with chopped onion or leek.  Add cloves if desired.  add water to cover meat.

Cover pot tightly.  Bring to a boil. Simmer for 3 hours.


Take out oxtail pieces and chill, chill the stock overnight. Remove fat and reserve. Strain stock to remove onion and cloves if added.

Chop veggies in small size pieces.

oxtail veggies cut up

Saute remaining vegetables in skillet with some of the reserved fat. For a lighter version, use a small amount of olive oil. Add stock and lemon slice and bring to a boil, then simmer 20-30 minutes.

Remove the oxtail meat from the bones and reserve. Remove lemon slice and add tomato and oxtail pieces, simmer for 20-30 additional minutes. Makes 2 ½ quarts.


Lemon Pudding (1867)

Better some of a pudding than none of a pie.
(Romanian Proverb)


This is an incredibly simple and delicious recipe from 1867 and you likely have all the needed ingredients in your house.  Here is how you make lemon pudding as found in The Family Save-All published in 1867.



Soften butter and mix with sugar until creamy.


Grate lemon rind and squeeze juice (1 lemon).

Crack and whisk five eggs.

Mix eggs into butter/sugar mixture. Then mix in lemon juice and rind.

Pour mixture into pie tin. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 30 minutes.

Let stand for approximately 30 minutes before cutting pie.


Apple Charlotte (1836)

“You can never have too much butter.” Julie Powell from Julie/Julia


After completing our second recipe, I have to disagree with Julie Powell.   Yes, Julie, you can have too much butter!  Our  Apple Charlotte was  practically inedible due to butter overload.


When using a recipe from 1836  the  ingredient amounts are not specific.   The chef must use common sense when preparing the dish.   In hindsight, our common sense should have kicked in when we were melting our third stick of butter for use in this recipe.

Perhaps instead of soaking each layer of bread in butter, we could have  drizzled a little butter on the bread layers.

We were originally going to follow the spunge-cake version of this recipe.   We decided to use the bread version instead. Not entirely sure if the spunge-cake version would have tasted better, but I have a feeling it may have.

Taken from page 99 in Domestic French Cookery published in 1836.


apple charlotte all ingredients

We selected 4 crisp Granny Smith apples which we peeled and pared.

apple charlotte peeling apples

One stick of melted butter was blended with ½ cup sugar and lemon zest and teaspoon of cinnamon.

apple charlotte mixing butter sugar cinnimon

Apples were combined with melted butter / sugar / cinnamon mix.

apple charlotte in pan prior to roasting in oven

Apple mix was baked uncovered in 350 degree oven for ½ hour.

apple charlotte after roasting in oven prior to smashing

After baking, the apple mix was smashed using a fork.

apple charlotte smash apples with fork

Sliced two loaves of bread and removed the crust.

apple charlotte cut crust off bread

The bread was dipped in butter prior to layering in pan.  We started with a layer of bread on the bottom and then added 1/2 of apple mix.

apple charlotte make layers dipping in butter

 The top layer is bread dipped in butter.

apple charlotte full pan prior to cooking

Bake in 350 degree oven for 30 minutes – last 5 minutes oven was set to broil.

apple charlotte out of oven

1910 Soup

Potato Soup (1914)

“There ain’t a body, be it mouse or man, that ain’t made better by a little soup.” – Kate DiCamillo


Well, we completed our first recipe – a 100 year old potato soup recipe! The outcome was simple and delicious.

Some Observations

Less than 10 minutes into the cooking process the air in our house was filled with a wonderful onion/potato/celery aroma. Made me think about the person preparing this dish 100 years ago – did he or she enjoy that same aroma?

While I enjoyed the simplicity of this recipe, my sons thought the addition of some cheese and bacon would enhance the recipe.

I confess that I added a little extra black pepper to the soup. In hindsight, I should have just added it to my own personal soup bowl. I can never get enough black pepper!

This soup is inexpensive to prepare and quite filling.

potato soup recipe large sized

This recipe came from a book Preparation of Vegetables for the Table published in 1914.


[h4] Potatoes pared, chopped with celery and onions. [/h4]

celerypotatoonion crop

Add boiling water to cover and boil for 30 minutes.  No lid on pot – leave uncovered.


When the potatoes are done cooking, pour off the water saving it to be used later.


Mash the vegetables until light and fine.  Then gradually beat in a portion of the water from which they were boiled.


Run the vegetable mix through a sieve.


Half cup cold milk and tablespoon flour are whisked together.


The cold milk/flour mixture is stirred into the hot milk using a double boiler.


After the vegetable puree has been heated and stirred for three minutes, blend in the hot milk, salt and pepper.


Last step add in butter and minced herbs.


Success! 1914 Potato Soup came out great.
